Green Wiki

Good air quality is a prerequisite for health and well-being of humans and ecosystems.


Good air quality is important for our environment. Substances we put into the air can affect the health of plants, animals and people, and can contribute to global warming.

How to improve air quality[]

Regulate the release of pollutants into the atmosphere from large industries and emissions from some large-scale food processing factories or major sources of pollution, such as transport at a national and local level.

1.Bike or walk to nearby destinations

2.Ride the bus (Metro- 513-621-4455 )

3.Walk, ride bikes, roller blade, skateboard instead of driving

4.Plant a tree

5.Look up air pollution information on the internet

6.Read and learn about air pollution

7.Know how air pollution affects your health

8.Watch for Air pollution Information in the newspaper and on television

9.Conserve energy

10.Conserve electricity - electrical generation is a source of air pollution

11.Turn the lights out when you leave the room

12.Use cold water instead of hot whenever possible - you'll use less energy

13.Use fans to help cool - they use less energy than coolers and air conditioners

14.Reduce, Reuse, then Recycle

15.Select products with less packaging - packaging consumes energy when it's made, generates harmful volatile organic compounds when it's printed, produces carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide when it's burned, and generates greenhouse gases when thrown away in a landfill

16.Buy and use products in their non-aerosol form - propellants used in aerosol cans contribute to pollution

17.Buy and use recycled products

18.When barbecuing, use an electric or chimney-type charcoal starter instead of lighter fluid.

19.Use a propane grill when barbequing

20.Write to the major and other elected officials to let them know how you feel about air pollution

21.Join a carpool - call ( 1-800-241-RIDE ) for free information on how to start a carpool

22.Drive less

23.Maintain your car; it'll last longer

24.Rotate your tires

25.Combine your errands into one trip - a cold engine decreases efficiency by as much as 80%

26.Keep your air filter clean and get regular tune-ups - a neglected car can reduce gas mileage by 20%

27.Make sure your tires are properly inflated - you can save $130 a year in gasoline costs

28.Trade your car in for a newer model - newer cars are more efficient and pollute less

29.Don't "top off" your gas tank - by stopping at the click, you will reduce fumes that contribute to ground-level ozone pollution

30.Avoid idling - in general, turning off and starting an engine uses less gasoline than letting it idle for more than 30 seconds

31.Turn the car off while waiting in line at railroad crossings and drive-thru windows

32.Make sure your car's air conditioner is working properly - leaky air conditioners in cars are the single greatest source of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), a greenhouse gas

33.Clean the condenser coils on your refrigerator every few months - you can reduce electricity consumption 6% or more

34.Use your fireplace less

35.Prevent fires

36.Insulate your home to use less energy

37.Use electric or manual lawn and garden equipment instead of gas-powered equipment

38.Use latex paint to reduce fumes and clean it up with water

39.Use brushes or rollers for painting instead of sprays

40.Keep dust down when digging or moving earth

41.Garden organically

42.Plant low-maintenance landscaping

43.Stay on paved roads whenever possible - driving on dirt roads raises dust which contributes to haze and airborne particulate matter

44.Caulk and weather strip doors and windows

45.Ask your local Solid Waste District where to take leftover and unwanted paints, automotive fluids and household chemicals.

46.Go solar for home and water heating - it reduces the need to burn fossil fuel

47.Compost - you'll use less chemicals in your garden

48.Look for durability in products you buy and use, not just lower price

49.Call the Air Quality Complaint Hotline ( 513-946-7777 ) to report odor, dust, smoke complaints.

50.Share this information with others.
