articles about saving H2O
The planet has limited amounts of water (H2O) available. Here are some things you can do to conserve water.
- Take shorter showers. You can also turn the water off while you're soaping off in the shower.
- Get a low-flush toilet, or you can put a plastic jug filled with water in the back part of the toilet, and it will create a similar effect.
- Wash dishes in a basin, and don't leave the water running.
- Recycle
There's also more complex (and fun!) ways of saving water, like creating a greywater system.
- Tap it out: Turn the water off when brushing your teeth
- Plug it up: Plug the sink to wash the dishes
- Stop the drip: Stop a faucet from leaking
- Take a 2 minute shower
- PUT A PLUG IN IT: When washing dishes, turn off the water while you scrub.
- NOTE THIS: Buy 100% recycled paper notebooks. Believe it or not, it takes a huge amount of water to make new paper from trees!
- WATER SAVER: While waiting for the water to heat up when you wash your hands or face, Save the cold water in a container and use it to water your plants or for cleaning.
- TAPPED OUT: Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
- STOP THE DRIP: Fix a leaky faucet in your home or school.
- SUPERVISE THE SPRINKLER: Make sure the sprinkler is turned off during the hottest part of the day, when most of the water is wasted through evaporation.
- FLUSH NOT: Flush the toilet less often by not using it as a wastebasket.
- POWER SHOWER: Take charge of reducing your shower time - and the shower times of your entire family - by 2 minutes per shower. (Use a timer if necessary)
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