Green Building concept is acepted by most of the corporate but still peoples have to educte about green building concept
Green Building Services To Reduce Cost[]
Now a days most of the corporates realize that reusing energy will reduce their expenses so they go with green building concept,that is renewabale energy.These net energy buildings saves energy consumption.
Green Building Certificates[]
Green building certificates are issued to recognize excellence in green building practice and performance.LEED and IGBC are the two most important certificate offered for green building performance.
LEED [Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design] is given for the buildings which are excellence in performance.LEED consider building's design,construction,operation and maintanence of buildings.LEED is developed by USBGC and assists owners of the buildings for efficiently use the building energy.
IGBC [ Indian Green Building Council ] certifactes rate the buildings under following catogeries Commercial,Factory,Individuals.Leed certificate is rating system for international,besides IGBSC is developed for India and it concentrate on site design,water usability energy usability.
BEE [ Bureau of Energy efficiency ] star Rating systems, which is powered by ministry of energy to control the use of energy.
'''Ecologikol Advisors India Pvt Ltd.'''
Ecologikol is a leading green buildings and sustainability advisory firm with offices in Singapore and Chennai. Ecologikol has advised many top Multinational and Indian Corporates and has advised amongst others, India's First platinum rated green factory, India's highest rated existing green building, North East India's first Green Building, first green rated textile unit, India's first and only green rated tyre factory among many others.
Ecologikol also offers design advisory services, whole building simulation services, ASHRAE 90.1 Simulations, Lighting Simulation & design services, corporate sustainability strategy advisory and building CFD services.
'''Ecologikol Advisors India Pvt Ltd,'''
'''New Number 2, Krishnaswamy street,'''
'''Abhiramapuram Chennai 600018'''
'''Ph: 9941226780'''
'''Ecologikol Singapore PTE Ltd,'''
'''17, Philip street, #05-01 grand building,'''
'''Singapore 048695'''