

在家里[ | ]

  1. 拔取你的电器: 大多数的用电设备始终会耗掉一些电,即使它们已经被关掉了。这种“预备状态”或者“幻影模式”会耗掉实际开机用电的10%。
  1. 使用电涌防护在你离开房间的时候可以容易的一次性关掉所有的东西。
  2. 关掉灯当它们并不被使用时,即使你只离开一小会。
  3. 将所有的白炽灯泡换成荧光灯泡或者发光二极管。荧光灯泡会比较贵,但是即使只更换一个白炽灯泡也将会节约150磅的二氧化碳,因为它能够比白炽灯泡持续时间长8-15倍,在它的整个使用过程中节约近30美元。荧光灯泡含有少量的汞,虽然携带方便但是在被废弃的时候却能够带来危害。有些城市有危险品回收程序,有的公司也接受废弃的荧光灯泡进行可靠的处理。发光二极管有更高的效率,同时也可以产生像白炽灯一样柔和的光线。它们也不含有汞,同时使用寿命是荧光灯泡的6倍。
  4. 管理你的室内温度: 在冬季,将你的自动调温器调低两度,在夏季将它调高两度。
  5. 清洗或者更换空气过滤器 每月一次.
  6. 把你热水器上的温度调节器降低到120华氏并且用隔热装置包裹它。
  7. 设置冰箱温度 在36-38华氏,同时将冷冻仓的温度设置到0-5华氏。买个小冰箱以减少被冷冻空气的量。保证冰箱被水平放置以保证它运行正常。如果你正要买个新冰箱,请保证它是经过能量审核的。
  8. 更多的使用微波炉 微波炉耗费更好的能源比起传统的烤箱和炉子。
  9. 用凉水洗衣服
  10. 使用晾衣架晾干衣服而不是烘干机如果室外天气好的话,将衣服晾干而不是使用烘干机。每天清洗烘干机上的支架。
  11. 使用洗碗机而不是用手洗碗事实上,你将会用掉更多的热水当你用手洗碗的时候。同时记住在洗碗机上不要用加热烘干功能 。
  12. 刷牙的时候关紧水龙头你将一个月节约25加仑的水。
  13. 减少马桶水箱的水把一升的瓶子放入马桶的水箱灌水,每个月可以节约300加仑的水。
  14. 使用水流量小的淋浴喷头和水龙头来节约水。
  15. 买二手家具因为它们是过剩的,同时它们比新的便宜,当然古董家具除外。
  16. 当你不用电脑的时候把它关掉,或者调整你的电脑用电模式使它在空闲的时候尽量节约能源。

家里改进[ | ]

  1. 种树 让你的家被树荫遮蔽,形成光合作用。
  2. 使用低VCO乳胶漆而不是油类漆来油漆你的家。使用漆刷,滚筒而不是喷漆。
  3. 密封和建造隔离 在你家。密封空气的缝隙和增加更多的绝缘在家里是一个很好的方式。通常大的缝隙常常发现在阁楼和地下室。
  4. 将老窗户换成隔音密封的窗户
  5. 节能高效用具: 能源之星可以认证超过50个领域的产品,包括灯具,家用电器,制冷和加热设备。
  6. Invest in energy savings for your own home. Building from adobe in arid climates can dramatically save on energy costs and result in homes that last hundreds of years. Adobe construction also greatly reduces the amount of wood used in home construction. The man behind the Rocky Mountain Institute (www.rmi.org) actually sells electricity created at his home back to the electric company, paying for the modifications he made to his home in just a few years.
  7. Connect your outdoor lights to a timer
  8. Buy reusable goods. The effort to make and transport even small items can add up very quickly.
  9. Install a drain water heat recovery pipe in your home to reclaim energy from waste water.

庭園中[ | ]

  1. Avoid using leaf blowers and other dust-producing equipment.
  2. Leave grass clippings on the yard they decompose and return nutrients to the soil
  3. Use recycled wood chips to keep the weeds down, retain moisture, and prevent erosion
  4. Plant marigolds to ward off pests rather than a pesticide
  5. Water grass early in the morning. See more on Water Conservation in Gardens
  6. Borrow seldomly used items such as ladders, chain saws, and party decorations.
  7. Put leaves in a compost heap instead of burning them or throwing them away
  8. Install water barrels to collect rain water from eaves troughs. Place a small bucket in your sink to collect water when washing produce. Use this water in the garden.

辦公室[ | ]

  1. Reduce the need to copy and print. When you need to, copy and print on both sides of the paper
  2. Reuse items like envelopes, folders, and paper clips
  3. Set up a bulletin board for memos rather than sending copies to each employee
  4. Use recycled paper and recycle printer cartridges
  5. Use Soy based ink which is less toxic
  6. Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of disposable cups
  7. Turn off power bars and lights at the end of the day
  8. Consider flexible work schedules or telecommuting

出遊[ | ]

See also Green_Driving

  1. Consider purchasing a Hybrid vehicle.
  2. Consider being a member of a car share organization. As a member you pay for a service as needed rather than a very expensive product that depreciates in value every year.
  3. Purchase radial tires and keep them properly inflated
  4. Drive during non-peak hours If you avoid heavy traffic you will not spend a significant amount of gas during stops.
  5. "The shortest distance between two points is a straight line" Keep that in mind while driving. Plan out your trips accordingly. Indeed some trips may be "slower" due to lane speeds, but less time on the road is less gas. More money in your pocket and less damage to the environment.
  6. Know when to turn the car off[1] The best way to warm up a modern car is to drive it. Idling hurts engines, wastes gas, and contributes to global warming and pollution.

飲食[ | ]

See more at Eating Green

  1. Decrease your meat consumption. More land has to be put into agricultural production to produce meat than to produce plant products.
  2. Buy local. Buy goods that were produced locally rather than transported across long distances.
  3. Buy food from the bulk bins at your local health food store. Most food in those stores is more expensive but the bulk bins and bulk spices are often cheaper than grocery store equivalents and use less packaging. Bulk pollution from agriculture.
  4. Be particular about the fish you eat. Many fish are over harvested or their capture has negative impacts on ocean ecosystems. In addition, some species of seafood pose health risks due to heavy metals and toxins that have built up in their systems. Choose seafood that is both sustainable and healthy.
  5. Vegetarian cookbooks are a great place to begin exploring meat-free options such as textured vegetable protein. Some good choices for those new to meat-free eating include: Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home: Fast and Easy Recipes for Any Day by the Moosewood Collective, How to Cook Everything Vegetarian: Simple Meatless Recipes for Great Food by Mark Bittman, and The Enchanted Broccoli Forest by Mollie Katzen.

購物[ | ]

See also Green products

  1. Use green affinity credit and debit cards. Earn carbon offsets as rewards instead of airline miles or other rewards, such as Brighter Planet
  2. Avoid products with multiple layers of packaging
  3. Buy certified wood to support sustainable managed forests.
  4. Buy a carbon offset. Find entities that allow you to "buy off" your CO2 usage through the Chicago Climate Exchange, such as Terrapass Brighter Planet
  5. Buy rechargeable batteries
  6. Use only reusable shopping bags. The oil it takes to produce 14 plastic bags will power your car for a mile. They are also more comfortable and sturdy than plastic bags.

個人、保養品[ | ]

  1. Use products with natural or no fragrances. The Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetics Database is a great resource to learn more about the harmful chemicals in personal care products and to find out which brands contain -- and do not contain -- them.
  2. (Women) Use a menstrual cup or cloth pads. This will really decrease the amount of waste you put into landfills each month. Mooncup, DivaCup, and the Keeper are popular brands of menstrual cups. Lunapads are washable, reusable pads. These products are widely available for purchase online and in stores that sell natural products.

社區[ | ]

  1. See "An Inconvenient Truth" and encourage your friends and family to do the same.
  2. Support and advocate alternative energy sources such as Wind energy or Solar energy that don't emit CO2 gases.

計算你的碳足跡[ | ]


Act on CO2



[Brighter Planet]


[An Inconvenient truth]

[Make a plan to reduce your carbon use]

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其他[ | ]

Carbon Footprint of American Cities